Compass LogNet for Windows 95T - Registered Version Covers the Netware Client 32 version as well as the Microsoft Netware Client (Beta) version. IMPORTANT!!! There are 2 versions of LogNET. One version will ONLY work on computers that are running the Microsoft Netware client and the other version of LogNET will ONLY work on computers that are running the Novell 32-bit client. Please be certain that you have downloaded and are using the correct version of LogNET for your environment!!! If you do not have the correct version, please browse to our Web site ( and download the correct version before attempting to install and run the program. Features Track Network Usage LogNet installs itself on the Windows 95T system tray during the NovellT Login process and records the user login date and time in a central database. When the user selects the Shutdown option to leave Windows 95T, LogNet records the logout date and time, again in the central database. This login/logout information can be used to create reports by authorized users on the network. Reporting At any time, authorized users on the network can create and print the LogNet Network Usage Report. The report is grouped by Login ID and login subtotals are provided for each user. Automated Shutdown Processes In addition to tracking NovellT network usage, LogNet allows you to assign a batch file (or batch files) to be run just prior to the actual Windows 95T shutdown. You can automate a variety of tasks using this feature such as cleaning up the user's TEMP directory or copying locally-stored work product back up to a network drive. The assignment of Shutdown Processes is configurable at the user level so different users can be assigned to run different Shutdown Processes and the batch files can be on the network or on the user's local drive. Installation Copy the LOGWIN.EXE, LOGNET1.DLL and LOGWIN.CFG files into a shared network directory that all users who will be using LogNet have at least Read and Open access to (e.g. SYS:PUBLIC) Create a directory on the network in which the LogNet data files will be created and stored (e.g. SYS:DATA\LOGNET). All users of the LogNet program will need to have at least Read, Open, Modify and Create rights to this directory. LogNet will create the necessary data files the first time it is run. Load the sample LOGWIN.CFG file into your favorite text editor and modify it as follows: The first line should always contain the full path to the data directory in the form of (e.g. F:\DATA\LOGNET). The drive letter you select should be one that is available to all users of the LogNet program. The remaining lines of text are optional and should contain the NovellT login names of all users who are authorized to run the Lognet Network Usage Report. Each name should appear on its own line, as in the example file. Example LOGWIN.CFG file: F:\DATA\LOGNET //path to data file directory AWILSON //Ann Wilson is authorized to run Reports JTHOMAS //John Thomas is authorized to run Reports Add a call to the LogWin executable to your central login batch file on your network. Include the full path to the LogWin executable (e.g. F:\PUBLIC\LOGWIN.EXE). Note: if you encounter difficulties in loading LogNet from a batch file, try loading LogNet from your Startup Group (e.g. create a shortcut in your Windows 95 Startup Group that points to the network copy of LOGWIN.EXE). That's it! As your Windows 95T users log into your network, the LogNet program will automatically load and install itself on their Windows 95T system tray. It will also create an entry for them in the LogNet database recording their name and the date and time that they logged in. When they shut down their computer at the end of the day, the LogNet program will again make a corresponding entry in the LogNet database recording their logout date and time. In the registered version, this process is invisible to the user. Desktop Operation After the LogNet program has been loaded at the user workstation, the LogNet icon will appear on the user's Windows 95T system tray. If you right-click on this icon you will be presented with the following options: About - Displays program version information. Modify Task List - Displays the Task Manager form that will allow you to browse through available drives and directories to select batch files to be run as part of the Windows 95T shutdown process. Note that in the UnRegistered Version only one task (batch file) can be assigned to the Task List. After making changes to the Task List, select OK to save the changes or select ABORT to abandon the changes. The list of tasks to be performed is stored in a file called LOGNET.INI which is automatically created by LogNet in the user's WINDOWS directory. This file can also be modified with any text editor if you so choose. All tasks that you have assigned using the Task Manager will be executed shortly after the user initiates the Windows 95T shutdown process. It is strongly advised that you test any and all batch files that you intend to use as part of the shutdown process thoroughly before you actually implement them via the LogNet Task Manager!! Usage Report - Note that this option is disabled for all users except those designated in the LOGWIN.CFG file as authorized to run the Network Usage Report. This option will extract and format the login/logout information contained in the central database and present it to you in a report that can be displayed on the screen or sent to a printer. The report is grouped alphabetically by NovellT login name and displays each login/logout sequence for each user. Note that in the UnRegistered Version the number of users that will be included in the report is limited (10 users) and the report can only be displayed on the screen, it cannot be sent to a printer. Shut Down - This option will immediately unload the LogNet program from the user's system without recording any logout information to the LogNet database. Operational Notes The LogNet program creates a database of login/logout sequences that will grow over time. The larger the database, the longer it takes to create the Network Usage Report and the Network Usage Report will always contain all data in the LogNet database. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you delete or rename the LogNet database (LOGNET.DTA) on a regular basis (every 6 months or so). The LogNet program will automatically create a new database the next time it is run. Bug Fixes/Enhancements 09/17/97 - Fixed file creation error in report generator when creating first Network Usage Report. 09/19/97 - Created new version of LogNet (in Beta) compatible with Microsoft Netware Client. Requirements LogNet for Windows 95T requires the following: Windows 95T on user workstation NovellT Netware 3.x or 4.x Server NovellT Netware 32-bit Client or MicrosoftT Netware Client (this version of LogNet is currently Beta-only) Pricing and Availability LogNet for Windows 95T is sold on a per-fileserver basis. The cost is US $100 per server. To order LogNet please call us at (703) 876-5577 OR FAX your signed purchase order to (703) 876-5588. Please indicate on your purchase order if you would like the product mailed to you or sent via e-mail. If you select e-mail, please do not forget to provide us with your current e-mail address. Related Products If you would prefer to log user activity from a single workstation, you will find our MonNET utility useful. A 30-day evaluation can be downloaded from our Web site. Also, we have a LogNet for DOS/Windows 3.x product that provides the same functionality as the LogNet for Windows 95T product (with the exception of automated shutdown processes) but is designed to be used with MS-DOS or Windows 3.x workstations. The product uses the same LogNet database as the Windows 95T version and can be used in conjunction with the Windows 95T version in mixed environments. Pricing for the DOS/Windows 3.x version of LogNet is US $100 per file server. Technical Support If you have any questions about the LogNet product or if you encounter difficulties during the installation process, please contact us via e-mail at Registered users can call us between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm eastern time at (703) 876-5577 for technical support questions. This product was developed and is distributed exclusively by: Compass Computer Services, Inc. 3110 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 1050 Falls Church, VA 22042 Tel: (703) 876-5577 Fax: (703) 876-5588 Email: